For most of my life, I just followed along. Like a sheep, I did what "they" told me to do. These were my family medical doctors, surgeons, psychiatrists, dentists, nurses, nutritionists, media and big pharma. The problem was I was getting sicker and sicker as the years went by. … [Read more...]
Brenda Cosentino Interview with Lyme Ninja Radio, June 2016
Here is my recent interview with Mackay Rippey of Lyme Ninja Radio. Lyme Ninja Radio is a podcast for and about people with Lyme Disease. It's produced by acupuncturist, Mackay Rippey and his daughter, Aurora. Together they bring you Master Classes with the latest treatment … [Read more...]
Everyday Foods That Kill Parasites
I battled a very bad parasite infection for over 4 years. It seemed I would clear them only to be re-infected a few months later. Through trial and error I learned that the herbal remedies that I was taking were too weak and so I began making my own. Here is my herbal recipe. My … [Read more...]
Common Symptoms of Parasites
The two main types of intestinal parasites are helminths and protozoa. Helminths are worms with many cells. Tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms are among the most common helminths in North Americans. Protozoa have only one cell. They can multiply inside the human body, … [Read more...]
18 Months of Lyme Disease Recovery/Remission
I still have days where I can't believe I am Lyme Disease free. I just returned from a one week backpacking trip to Palenque and San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. I climbed every single one of the ruins pictured above. It was a full 9 hour day of ruins, rivers, jungle … [Read more...]