It takes a lot of hard work to create health. It takes even more work to reverse a serious chronic illness. Intermittent fasting was one of the most powerful adjunctive therapies that helped restore my health after a 20-year journey of chronic illness. I believe it is one of the best practices that I have […]
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Latest Lyme Disease & Co-infections Articles

9 Years of Complete Lyme, CFS/ME, Fibro Remission
Turning 61 has left me feeling nostalgic and profoundly grateful. I am celebrating 9 years of complete remission from all chronic disease since … [Read More...]

12 Tips to Healing your Eyesight Naturally
When I was hiking the Portuguese Camino this past March 2023, I began to think about my 8.5 years of complete remission from Lyme Disease, … [Read More...]

8 Years of Complete Lyme, CFS and Fibromyalgia Remission
I am happy to report another year of complete remission from all things Lyme and Co-infections since November, 2014. I keep getting older (60) but … [Read More...]

6 Years of Complete Lyme, CFS and Fibromyalgia Remission
What a miracle to have had 6 years of great health after being chronically ill for over 20 years. It is possible to heal yourself by changing your … [Read More...]

Super Healthy Green Smoothie
This was the game-changer for me while fighting Lyme and Co-Infections, CFS/Fibro and 20 years of chronic illness. My hair tissue analysis revealed … [Read More...]

Lyme Disease and Parasites Love Sugar
Sugar was my drug of choice long after I quit drinking alcohol. Well....that and caffeine, but we'll leave that for another time. My favorite dessert … [Read More...]

Nutrient Deficiencies and Chronic Infections
Nutritional deficiencies and chronic infections go hand-in-hand. Each perpetuates the other in a never-ending vicious cycle. After many years, I … [Read More...]

Parasites- A Serious Co-infection of Lyme Disease
Let's face it. No one wants to consider the fact that they might have worms. It is not only repulsive, but we live in a society that tells us this … [Read More...]

Success with Buhner’s Protocol for Lyme Disease
In May 2014 I picked out my coffin and was planning my funeral. I had been sick for almost 20 years and was also battling a serious kidney infection … [Read More...]

The Life of a Lyme Sufferer
I lost the ability to work in 2004 and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This was one of the lowest and darkest times of my life. I lost my … [Read More...]

Beet Kvass – Liver Cleanser and Blood Tonic
Every culture around the world has their own fermented foods that they regularly consumed for good health. My ancestors from Ukraine understood the … [Read More...]

Success with Wahls Paleo Diet for Lyme Disease
The Wahls Paleo Diet is the diet that turned me around in less than a year. This eating plan has kept me in complete remission from Lyme Disease and … [Read More...]

Easy Salad Dressing Recipe – Real Food Rebel
Everything we eat has the power to heal or kill us. This recipe is super healthy and easy to make. Now is the time to throw out all of the … [Read More...]

10 Simple Things That Will Boost Your Health in 2020
You have the power to change your life and health. You can kick your chronic illnesses naturally. It's time to make some changes. We are currently … [Read More...]

5 Years of Complete Lyme Disease, CFS and Fibromyalgia Remission
I have had 5 amazing years of great health! Prior to this, I had been chronically ill for over 20 years and on medical disability for over 10 years. I … [Read More...]

It’s Time to Take the Fear out of Chronic Lyme Disease
So you've got Chronic Lyme Disease? Your whole body aches and you feel weak, stiff and exhausted. Maybe you also have rashes, swollen painful joints, … [Read More...]

8 Signs it’s Time to Press the Pause Button on Your Life
I just returned from a 4 week trip to Peru. Leading up to this trip, I was feeling uninspired, tired, empty and a little burned out. The last 4 years … [Read More...]

How Low Stomach Acid Promotes Bacteria, Parasites, Yeast and Viruses
My gut was a mess for decades! Every meal ended with pain, bloating, constipation, reflux and so much gas. My doctor at the time told me to take … [Read More...]

Real Food Rebel Soup for Chronic Illness
This is the soup I ate for months on end when I was extremely sick. This and my daily green smoothie. My digestion was terrible and I couldn't handle … [Read More...]

The Long Road Back! How I overcame 20 years of Chronic Illness Naturally!
By 2007, my health had reached an all-time low. I was given a chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia diagnosis. I was on heavy psychiatric medications for … [Read More...]

4 Years of Lyme Disease Remission
It's true, I travel with a blender! Green smoothies are the ticket! I can't believe I am celebrating another year of Lyme Disease-free living. Prior … [Read More...]

7 Toxic Chemicals in Your Hair Dye
It seems that I am always giving up something for my health. Sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, dairy, alcohol, cigarettes, pharmaceutical drugs, … [Read More...]

Three Years of Lyme Disease Remission
It is still unbelievable to me that I am now a healthy 55-year-old woman in the best shape and health of my entire life! Prior to this, I had been … [Read More...]

My Experience with Typhoid Fever in Playa del Carmen, Mexico
I never saw this coming! I had just written my final exam with the Nutritional Therapy Association the week before. I had a few days off and spent a … [Read More...]

12 Natural Treatments for Depression
I battled depression for most of my life. It began in the eighth grade and continued on until I began treating it nutritionally at the age of 44. My … [Read More...]

6 Reasons to Drink More Water for Better Health
Water wasn't my drink of choice for most of my life. Growing up, I much preferred milk, juice or soda pop. I only drank water at school from a … [Read More...]

Back to School with the Nutritional Therapy Association
I never, ever thought I would be back in school at the age of 54. Since recovering my health from lyme disease, chronic fatigue Syndrome, … [Read More...]

10 Causes of Depression That Antidepressants Won’t Fix
Depression was my constant companion for most of my life. It began in the eighth grade and continued on until I began treating it holistically at the … [Read More...]

Five Ways to Eliminate and Control Parasites, Sibo and Candida
I had a serious parasite problem that consisted of roundworms, tapeworms, flukes and ropeworms that I battled for several years. Added to these were … [Read More...]

Two Years of Lyme Disease Remission – Camino de Santiago – My 900 km walk in 38 days
In a few weeks I will celebrate two years of Lyme free living. I just returned home after completing the Camino de Santiago in Spain. It took me 38 … [Read More...]

My Camino de Santiago – A 780 km Walk in Thanksgiving for MY Recovery
In two days I fly to Madrid, Spain. This is a dream come true for me. A miracle considering I was chronically ill for over 20 years. I promised God I … [Read More...]

12 Myths I Ignored to Reverse 20 Years of Chronic Illness
For most of my life, I just followed along. Like a sheep, I did what "they" told me to do. These were my family medical doctors, surgeons, … [Read More...]

Ten Things to Remember when Healing Yourself Naturally from Lyme Disease and other Chronic Illnesses
It took me several years to completely heal myself from all chronic illnesses. I began in October, 2007 and reached complete remission in November, … [Read More...]

Brenda Cosentino Interview with Lyme Ninja Radio, June 2016
Here is my recent interview with Mackay Rippey of Lyme Ninja Radio. Lyme Ninja Radio is a podcast for and about people with Lyme Disease. It's … [Read More...]

Living and Healing in Playa Del Carmen on $1200 U.S.D Per Month
Playa del Carmen, Mexico has been a place of healing for me. Spiritually, emotionally and of course physically. I was sick for over 20 years and … [Read More...]

Everyday Foods That Kill Parasites
I battled a very bad parasite infection for over 4 years. It seemed I would clear them only to be re-infected a few months later. Through trial and … [Read More...]

Common Symptoms of Parasites
The two main types of intestinal parasites are helminths and protozoa. Helminths are worms with many cells. Tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms are … [Read More...]

18 Months of Lyme Disease Recovery/Remission
I still have days where I can't believe I am Lyme Disease free. I just returned from a one week backpacking trip to Palenque and San Cristobal de Las … [Read More...]

Healing Mental Illness Naturally
By eighth grade, I was battling depression and not wanting to leave the house. I approached my mother, but her response was that I had “nothing to be … [Read More...]

Start with a Bowel Cleanse
In the spring of 2014, I found myself on my knees again, begging God for a solution to my 20 years of chronic illness. I was housebound, weak, … [Read More...]

Dealing with Die-off Reactions from Parasites, Lyme Disease and Yeast
I wish I could say that I had an easy time of reducing my pathogenic load. I had a very bad tapeworm, roundworm, fluke and ropeworm infestation. I … [Read More...]

Brenda’s Herbal Dewormer
I didn't want to give away my herbal recipes. I knew I could make some serious money by selling herbal preparations. I was very familiar with what was … [Read More...]

Lyme Disease – Remission or Cure
This is a question that I have been asked many times. In the early months of recovery I automatically responded that I was in remission. The Lyme … [Read More...]

Two Herbs for Babesia Success
Most of us with Lyme Disease will end up with several other co-infections. I myself had several parasites, Bartonella, EBV, Babesiosis and … [Read More...]

10 Benefits of Exercise for Chronic Illness
I know, I know! Most of you are thinking, how the heck am I supposed to think about exercise when I can't even get out of bed? I get it! I too was … [Read More...]

My Faith Journey with Chronic Illness.
I have lost my faith at least 100 times but have found it at least 101 times. My faith journey has been so varied, painful, disappointing, difficult, … [Read More...]

9 Powerful Herbs for Parasites
Most people don't want to think their chronic illness could be caused by parasites. However, the two are often found together. We can pick up … [Read More...]

10 Reasons You Can’t get Rid of Lyme Disease, Parasites, Candida and other Co-infections
I began researching and visiting Lyme forums after being finally diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2012. As I read others' stories, I began to … [Read More...]

What is Real Food, Anyway?
Every Saturday morning during the summer months in Canada, we head down to our local farmers' market. It is a special time to chat with our farmers … [Read More...]

9 Benefits of Beach Therapy for Chronic Illness
I think going to the beach is the best natural anti-depressant, sedative, pain and stress reliever on the planet. There is nothing better or more … [Read More...]

One Year of Lyme Remission!
I used to dream of not being sick anymore. I always knew I would get here but never thought it would take so long. I was so determined to heal … [Read More...]

Chiropractic Care for Chronic Illness
I found my Mexican chiropractor quite by accident. This was one of many examples of divine intervention in my life. After being diagnosed with Lyme … [Read More...]

Best Foods for Chelating Heavy Metals
In 2008, I had my amalgam fillings removed, followed by two intravenous DMPS chelation treatments one month apart (see story here). Both treatments … [Read More...]

Heavy Metals, Lyme Disease and Parasites
Each and every day we are subjected to toxic heavy metals. Some we can avoid and some we simply cannot. Those with Lyme disease, parasites and other … [Read More...]

Amalgam Fillings – Toxic Beyond Belief
I went to my holistic medical doctor in 2008 looking for answers to some longstanding health problems. I was no longer able to work, and in fact, my … [Read More...]

Herbs or Antibiotics for Chronic Lyme Disease?
By the time my Lyme Disease and several other co-infections were identified, I had been sick for over twenty years. I was living with the usual … [Read More...]

Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Self
I understand today how all of my varied illnesses were tied to my gut. Depression, bipolar disorder, hypothyroid, adrenal insufficiency, chronic … [Read More...]