This is the soup I ate for months on end when I was extremely sick. This and my daily green smoothie. My digestion was terrible and I couldn't handle any raw salads. My hair analysis revealed very low stomach acid and low minerals across the board. I wanted a nice soup/stew that … [Read more...]
The Long Road Back! How I overcame 20 years of Chronic Illness Naturally!
By 2007, my health had reached an all-time low. I was given a chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia diagnosis. I was on heavy psychiatric medications for bipolar disorder, major anxiety, chronic migraines and post-traumatic stress disorder. Most days I relied on painkillers for my … [Read more...]
Three Years of Lyme Disease Remission
It is still unbelievable to me that I am now a healthy 55-year-old woman in the best shape and health of my entire life! Prior to this, I had been chronically ill for over 20 years and on a disability for 10 years. I no longer suffer from Lyme Disease, Babesia, Bartonella. … [Read more...]
12 Natural Treatments for Depression
I battled depression for most of my life. It began in the eighth grade and continued on until I began treating it nutritionally at the age of 44. My darkest days took place while I was on heavy psychotropic medications - a period that lasted over 14 years. During this time, I … [Read more...]
6 Reasons to Drink More Water for Better Health
Water wasn't my drink of choice for most of my life. Growing up, I much preferred milk, juice or soda pop. I only drank water at school from a hallway fountain and had the occasional glass at home. As a young adult already struggling with depression and adrenal fatigue, I … [Read more...]